Wednesday, November 19, 2008

St. Maartens

Sitting here at Mc Donalds sucking down the semi fresh orange juice just to get an internet connection.

The weather here has been great. The resort not up to 100% operation due the the Hurican that hit on October 15th or 16th at 0200hrs.

Week one working on my tan, and starting to plan some daily activities.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Vacation Time

November 15 I will be taking a vacation on a small Island of St. Maartens.

I will most likely spend these two week top side. Island hopping, snorkling, boating and hiking. Unless we make it out to the small Island of Saba. Then and only then I may do a dive.

This will be tough, all that nice water and remaining above sea level.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Google AdSense

Well I spent the month of October learning the proper way to place your ads throughout your web site. When it looked like the ads were starting to produce clicks my Adsense account was shut down. WOW

I filled a request to turn my account back on. But as of yet have not received a response. I understand that they have to protect there advertisers but what about us who are helping them by taking the time to ensure the ads get displayed and seen.

I do not know what is happening, but am now paying for it.