Captain Bob Cox
(252) 240-2043
On July 16th 2010 Lake Monticello Dive Team members and friends headed down to the shore of North Carolina to meet with the boat Cpt of Diver Down, Bob Cox. This was the begining of an adventure no one will ever forget.

After feeding the fish during our ride out to the wreck, our leader Greg Z. geared up for the dive.
What made this dive diferent from all his other dives in the past, was the fact that Sea Sickness does exist for some. (Greg, Ernie, Will B. John)
I believe he described his own entry into the ocean as "flopping into the water."

After reaching the deck of the ship he joined me for part of my
dive. "Into the ship?" he said, My reply "sure!" It was dark and gloomy and with out lights all we had was the nautural light that was entering the ship from all the cut out holes.
So what kind of fish like to hang out in dark cool places waiting for some thing shinny to excite them? Well Mr. Baracuda just happened

to be behind door number one. Well needles to say, I headed out the same way I came in.
So we decided to explore this hole from topside. Like a good leader, Greg led the way until he hit bottom. Not much to see down there but, up was looking good.

Dive number on day one ended well, all divers make it back to onboard with no dive injuries.
Day 2 started bright and early. All divers met back at the dive boat ready to hit the rough seas. Well that was all that where willing to put their bodies through some abuse. The seas where really stirring this morning, but there was nothing stopping the brave from the adventure. After all, diving is an adventure.
After and one and a half hours one of the dive masters inform us we have traveled 5 mile out. The wreck was another 10 miles out. The seas where so bad, it was taking forever to gain ground. So the question was asked. Do we want to call the dive off or continue on? Well another three hour ride did not sound like much fun, but we did not want to miss another dive. An option was then thrown in. What about heading to the site we dove at yesterday? Much closer! So it was decided that we would dive the same wreck. Good choice.