I am heading back to Roatan in 7 days. This is a yearly event that I have had the honor of participating in for the past few years.
CoCo View Resort is located on an island off the island of Roatan. The atmosphere is so relaxing affter a day of diving you never want it to end.
A typical day for a SCUBA diver at CoCo View. Well lets just say, my day. I am up very early in the morning. Slap on some shorts, shirt and footwear and head to the dining area with my laptop. I am usually there before the cooking staff arrive. I get on the internet and check the weather and my email. By then someone arrives and starts up the coffee maker. Nothing like having the first cup of brew in the morning. Slowly more guest will trickle in an suck down that first pot.

Each group is assigned a boat, driver, and dive master for the weeks stay. So there is no confusion of where do I go today.
Once everyone is on the boat and ready to depart, the dive master will give you the briefing of where we will be diving for the morning trip. Each boat departure consists of two dives. First is a deep dive at one of the many dive spots and the second is a drop off dive out in front of the resort.
Upon completion of the morning dives it is time to cleanup, dry off in get ready for lunch. After lunch it is back to the boats and out for two more dives. How long is each dive, well that is up to you. The boat leaves when everyone is safely back on board. It is NOT one of those dives where they say "we will be down for 45 min and back on the boat" Your air, your partner’s air and mind decide when it is time to end the dive. No one tells you lets go, dive over. You enjoy the dive stress free.
Then there is the dinner meal. And to this point I have not mentioned how good the meals are. Do not come here with the intention of loosing weight. The food assortment is so GOOD. Well let’s just say, you want to try it all.

After the big meal it is relaxing time. That is if you are not planning to do a night dive. Yes a night dive. FUN, FUN, FUN... These are group dives or just a dive with your partner and are done at your leisure. You decide when to go out, you decide when to come back.
These are controlled by a tracking system using a signup sheet, diver tags and a marking strobe. When the fist diver goes out the strobe is placed on a down line. All divers out will place their tags on the down line. When they return from the dive, the divers pick up the tags and return them to the shack. Last diver in brings the strobe light.
Now it is cleanup, dry off and relax time. Or in some cases "Bed Time". The dining area also has a bar, pool table and assortment of games you can play. Up stairs you will find a big screen TV and a library of books to keep you entertained.

So we are looking at four dives a day, or five if you have the stamina. Every day there are venders on the Island to show you what they have to offer. You do not have time to hit the main land if you are up to four dives a day. So the venders bring their crafts to you.
During the week if you do want to hit the mainland of Roatan, there are sever day trips planned. Shopping, Iguana Farm, dolphin dive and other attractions.
Overall it is a nice, friendly resort to dive at. Great food! Great staff! Great support personnel!

Not to mention you can see a lot of sea life. www.TomanekCollection.com
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